We truly had a wonderful time filming Ying and Bradley’s wedding. They are such a genuinely sweet couple with a wonderful love story.
A story of a young lady from China who came to America for her education. I’ve always thought that any person who would go to a foreign country alone and barely able to speak the native language would be an extremely brave person.
And brave she was. Ying did come here alone and she struggled to learn the ropes and the customs of a strange land. Anything and everything from finding a place to stay, to paying rent, to learning where to go on campus, ect. was a real trial for her until finally she bumped into a chivalrous young man named Bradley. Bradley helped show her where she needed to go and what she needed to do and was there for her when she needed someone the most.
And I think you know the rest of the story but to make a long story short, they fell in love and got married! And we feel very honored to have played a small part in their love story!