Only Possible With God

Danielle & Kevin – December 8, 2018 | Winter Wedding Venue Chota Falls

Snow drifted down as the guests began arriving for the wedding. Nestled into the valley of the north Georgia mountains, the winter wedding venue, Chota Falls, stood cozy and warm against the threat of cold and wet weather. Danielle’s heart fluttered as she pondered what was to come next. She was a little nervous but mostly excited. She had been waiting for the moment for a long time. She looked like a princess in her wedding dress. She was ready.

But there was still time before she striding through those chapel doors to meet her groom at the alter. She sighed as she took a seat on the sofa and eagerly unfolded the letter her soon to be husband had exchanged with her earlier today. It read…

“Daniel, after a solid four years of dating you I can wholeheartedly say that I cannot, nor do I want to, imagine doing life without you.  Over these years, not only have we been preparing ourselves to become spouses, but we have also been learning more about each other and constantly becoming better friends; which is hard to imagine because we are already best friends.

You are one whose heart is after God which enables you to be the woman he crafted you to be.  You constantly look toward God in all that you do and with your help we have built a relationship around him, to glorify his name and the true meaning of marriage.  And we will make the best decisions and choices to strengthen our relationship with each other and God. We will constantly look up to God and glorify him even when it seems impossible to do so.  Words seem to fail me when I try to think about how truly excited I am for this moment.”

She smiled, holding back the tears but just barely.

Kevin silently waited underneath the cover of the chapel’s front porch watching the snow fall. He pulled out the letter Daniel had written him, anxious to see what it said.

“Kevin, today is the day that we become one, that we become a family, that we become husband and wife.  When I think about how you have chosen me to be your wife, I am overwhelmed by emotion because you are the most amazing man and I am so thankful that I get to spend the rest of my life with you.  To be able to call you my husband is a dream come true.  You are my best friend, my teammate, and without you in my life it would not be the same. I’ve never met someone like you, Kev.  You love so selflessly, without fear, and with the sweetest kindness.

One of my favorite things about you is how much you enjoy life and just radiate the joy of the Lord. Today we make promises to one another that are only possible with God.  And when I look back to see his faithfulness to us it makes me even more confident and excited to take this leap of faith with you. We’ve waited for this day for quite a while. Praise God it’s finally here.  Now let’s do this thing. I love you Kev. I’ll see you at the alter.”

And she did.